Wednesday, 19 February 2014

This is me: Nadia Narain, Yoga Teacher

Joie talked to yoga teacher Nadia Narain to find out what leads her to live a joyful life...

What do you do for a living and how did you get into this field of work? What do you love about it?
I teach yoga. I dont know how I got into it… it was a long time ago and my teacher sort of pushed me into it. I think she had a plan for me before I did!

What does a typical day look like for you?
Wake up early, eat breakfast, some mornings I go for an hour long walk in Regents Park ... it’s a great way to start the day, or a meditation practice at home if it’s raining. I start teaching at 9am and am usually teaching all day. I try and come home for lunch and if I’m lucky one or 2 days a week I get to be home before 7pm!

What does your exercise routine look like?
I love walking… one day a week I go to a barre ballet exercise class at heart core in Hampstead and 1 day a week I get to a yoga class.

Do you have any mantras/ affirmations that you live by?
Breathe, love, laugh, be kind and be grateful is my motto. I try and throw forgiveness in there to myself and to others - we are all human and are constantly messing up.

What does happiness look like to you?
It changes but it’s generally a feeling that I’m flowing with life. I wake up and I’m excited by the day - all the bits of the day are magical with laughter and love and bedtime is full of gratitude. It always starts on the inside and usually will translate into the day.

How would you spend the perfect Sunday?
I love Sundays! I’ll usually go to marylbone farmers market, sometimes have a late breakfast at The Fromagerie, come home and cook and arrange flowers…then I’m on the sofa all afternoon with movies, books, the papers. Sometimes I’ll have an early dinner with friends and then an early night.

What are your top tips for incorporating healthy habits into a hectic London lifestyle?
You have to pay attention. It’s easy to get caught up in a busy lifestyle...but it’s also important to slow down, to rest when needed, to be in nature as much as possible and to take care of stress loads. It gets stressful in the city, we need to take time out!

Please could you tell us a little about your new range of candles and what inspired it?
I was always being given candles that were very perfumed and I noticed this black soot in the glass when I was burning them. The smells seemed nice until I starting burning them and then I got headaches and they were overwhelming so I wanted to create candles that used a natural plant wax with natural aromatherapy oils, no paraffin and no perfume but that also looked cool. Each one has a word that should resonate with the person burning it. They are nice for yourself or a lovely gift if you want to share the sentiment.

To purchase Nadia's beautiful candles visit 

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